With Me in Paradise
April 27, 2020Facing Uncertain Times
May 4, 2020Coming Back to the Cross
“Rend your heart and not your garments. Return to the Lord your God, for he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, and he relents from sending calamity” (Joel 2:13).
When John showed up at the cross, Jesus did not say to him, “John, where were you? I was looking for you. I thought that, of all the disciples, you would be the one who would have stood by me during the trial. Where were you, John?”
There was no rebuke. There was no “I told you so.” Rather, He looked at him, and He gave him the highest responsibility that our dying Savior could give anyone. He said, “Son, here is your mother.” The Lord was saying that He wanted John to substitute for Him. He wanted John to stand in His place to speak for Him—to care for His mother.
Some of us have made promises to the Lord, promises that we are going to walk closely with Him, promises that we will spend time with Him and time in His Word. We made those promises, and then we got busy and forsook those promises. We got tired and let go of the promises. Disappointed with the circumstances of life, we gave up on the promises that we made to God.
Thankfully, we can repent, return to Jesus, and receive His loving care and direction today.
Prayer: God, I realize today that I need to come back to the cross. I need to kneel at Your feet in adoration and love and follow through on the promises I have made to You. Thank You for being patient with me. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.