مايكل يوسف

December 24, 2018

A Seat at God’s Table – Michael Youssef

Your spouse hangs up the final garland, the smell of gingerbread floats in from the kitchen, and the doorbell chimes for the final time as the last guests arrive. Your whole family is there, ready to start the Christmas celebration. There’s just one problem. The guest of honor hasn’t been brought up. There hasn’t been a mention of the name of Jesus. He hasn’t been celebrated. He hasn’t been adored. Did you even invite Him to the gathering? THE GOOD NEWS OF THE GOSPEL From the very beginning, when the Son of God came from heaven down into our world, there was no room for Him. It was no accident that Jesus, Mary, and Joseph ended up in a barn—it was part of God’s plan: “‘The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel’ (which means ‘God with us’)” (Matthew 1:23). When God decided to send His Son to earth, a decision that […]
November 15, 2018

Breaking the Idol of Entertainment – Michael Youssef

You aimlessly unlock your smartphone for the what might be the millionth time today and scroll through your Facebook feed. After twenty minutes you ask yourself, “What was I even looking for?” Then later in the evening you finally sit down and relax in front of the TV. You know you need to catch up on sleep, but before you realize it, you’ve already watched 3 episodes of the top trending series (half of which you missed because you were scrolling through feeds on your phone). And Netflix is launching you directly into the fourth as you think, “Just one more.” Before you start to sink into guilt about every moment of entertainment you’ve enjoyed or simply dismiss the rest of this article to avoid the discomfort of impending shame, let me adamantly assert that entertainment in itself is not sinful. There is plenty of entertainment to be found in the Bible: Jesus attended parties and enjoyed food and drink; […]